jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011


It originated in Europe in the century XIX and expanded in the first place in classes. Today the tennis has become universal, and is played in every countries inthe world. Since 1926, with the reation of the first tour, is a professional sport. It is also an Olimpic sport since seùl 1988, and he had lost that category in Paris 1924.

Tennis is a sport that is practiced in a plain, rectangular, divided by an intermediate network, played with rackets that is played between two players (singles) or between two pairs (doubles), which is to hit the ball with the racket to go back and forth through the field over the net.A tennis game starts with the pull of one of the players, which should hit the ball so that the rebound in the box opposite the side that pulls out, ie if a player gets from his right, the ball must bounce in the box on the left but always in the box attached to the network side of your opponent. For each point the player gets two chances, if the first, has more. In the event that the throw the ball hits the net and go to the opponent's court and into the square of serve, is repeated.A tennis game starts with the pull of one of the players, which should hit the ball so that the rebound in the box opposite the side that pulls out, ie if a player gets from his right, the ball must bounce in the box on the left but always in the box attached to the network side of your opponent. For each point the player gets two chances, if the first, has more. In the event that the throw the ball hits the net and go to the opponent's court and into the square of serve, is repeated.

In my opinion, tennis is one of the funniest sports, playing tennis. You put a fun time. But sport can also cause injuries, as broken wrist.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Cuando el lazarillo se casó se fue de luna de miel a Hawai, pero su sorpresa fue muy grande cuando es su primera noche de bodas se dio cuenta de que su preciosa mujer en realidad era un tío disfrasado, o sea, un travesti y su sopresa fue aun mayor cuando descubrio que ya tenia familia.
Se lo confeso todo en la havitacion del hotel, lo contaba con tanta emocion. Se alegraba muchisimo y se sentia muy orgullos de el mismo de haber por fin salido del armario.Pero el lazarillo no se compadecio ni lo mas minimo, lo miro con asco y lo hechó de muy mala manera, el/la pobre, se fue llorando.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Como soy YOO!!:D

Hola me llamo Alondra Jordan Castro,tengo 13 años.Soy simpática,divertida,alegre,pero con un poco de mal genio jeje :).
Estudio en el Rodrigo Caro,mi asignatura favorita es Ingles,me encanta esta en el recreo para poder hablar con mis amigas,ya que en clase no se puede jejeje :).
Mi cantante favorita es Laddy Gaga,me encabta esta todo el dia escuchando musica :) siempre con los deveres me encabta escucha mi cantante favorita que coomo ya sabeis es Laddy Gaga.
Me gustaria ver todo el mundo,sobretodo ir a  Egipto,Alemania,Marruecos,Los Angeles..
Bueno adios..!!!